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Managing A Crowdsourced Placemaking Program with Neil Takemoto
Neil Takemoto - (X)po 2012: Crowdsourced Placemaking Update
Creative Placemaking Now: Creative Placemaking through Arts Engagement
NEA Our Town Guidelines Workshop October 6, 2014
April 27: Places for People: The Art of Placemaking
NEA "Creative Placemaking" Webcast
Creative Placemaking & Cultural Entrepreneurship: Lessons from the Creative Community Fellows
Social Media and Land Developers: Brandon Palanker on Crowdsourced Placemaking
The intersection of peacemaking & placemaking | Samuel Mahaffy | TEDxSpokane
1 - Fundraising In A Box: Crowdsourcing Microgrants (Part 1 of 6)
The Intersection of Urban Design and Placemaking: A Panel Discussion with Christopher B. Leinberger
How to Turn Your Community into Savvy Entrepreneurs with Crowdsourcing